March 08, 2022

A Quick Guide to Fiberglass Cooling Towers

A cooling tower is said to be one of the most important components of any industrial process. It is available in several different types of structures such as high, square, cylindrical or open top which helps industries to reduce the temperature of water. With the advancement of technology, it has also positively influenced the performance of cooling towers. 

It has become easier to use water to extract waste heat from the system. In addition, cooling towers can now perform their job in many different ways at once. In this article, we discuss the working principle of FRP washing towers and the various components.

Working Principle

First, hot water enters through the inlet of the FRP square cooling tower and is pumped to the main pipe. The header contains sprinklers and nozzles that help to increase the surface area of the water by spraying. After that, the water enters the PVC fill to slow down the velocity.

In addition, the top of the cooling tower uses a fan to lift the air from the bottom to the top. Now, due to the slow speed and large water contact area, the formation and good connection between hot water and air. The water temperature decreases due to evaporation and the cold water accumulates at the bottom of the tower. 

A Quick Guide to Fiberglass Cooling Towers


There are different types of FRP cooling towers. Let's learn more about them by reading further.


To cool the air, counterflow cooling towers allow the air to flow upward and the water to flow downward. They can save more energy and are usually more compact than their counterpart towers.

Mechanical Ventilation

The main function of a mechanically ventilated cooling tower is that it consists of fans and other mechanical devices that allow air to circulate through the tower.

In addition, the cake part of this tower is the ice that it can use inside the building because they tend to be more efficient than natural ones. It consumes more electricity more efficiently.

A Quick Guide to Fiberglass Cooling Towers

FRP Desulfurization Tower


Now, when it comes to cross-flow cooling towers, the hot water flows downward from the distribution basin, while the airflow is in a horizontal path through the cooling tower structure. Cross-flow cooling towers are more prone to icing and are less efficient. They are also known as tall towers. Maintaining this tower is the most straightforward task, but is a relatively expensive piece of equipment.

Natural Ventilation

Since these cooling towers rely on natural convection, they are called natural draft cooling towers. They are sometimes made of steel or concrete. One can find these natural draft cooling towers in places such as power stations and energy-intensive facilities such as oil refineries, natural gas plants and petrochemical plants.

There are various cooling tower components that are responsible for its effective working. Some of the key components are: eliminators, float valves, nozzles and manifolds etc. If you are planning to invest in FRP cooling towers in the long term, we hope this quick guide will help you to understand FRP cooling towers. Contact us to get a quote.